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Verenium Corporation is the first public company with the skills, advanced enzyme science, and field-to-pump capabilities required to make cellulosic ethanol a commercial reality.  Building on strong internal expertise in enzyme science, the company is commercializing a proprietary process for producing cellulosic ethanol that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.  Verenium's process makes use of feedstocks outside the food chain, such as wood chips, sugar cane bagasse and plant waste, that are renewable and available throughout the world.




Verenium currently operates an integrated cellulosic ethanol pilot facility in JenningsLouisiana.  This pilot facility processes a variety of feedstocks, and serves as a real-time R&D facility to develop new enzyme cocktails for optimizing the production of cellulosic ethanol. The Company also is in start-up mode and expects to begin commission shortly at its 1.4 million gallon-per-year (MGY) demonstration-scale facility.  This facility is the first true demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol production facility to be completed in the United States.  Based on lessons learned at its Jennings site, Verenium plans to construct several first-generation commercial-scale facilities, with rated production capacity of 25-50 MGY per facility, at locations throughout the south eastern United States.


The Company's process technology has been licensed by Tokyo-based Marubeni Corp. and TSK and incorporated into their 1.4 million liter-per-year cellulosic ethanol plant in  OsakaJapan - utilizing wood construction waste as a feedstock.



10:30 Bus arrives from Houston; coffee and refreshments (Verenium training center, Campbell Wells Rd)
10:45 Introductions
  Introductory presentation: Overview of Verenium, process overview
11:15 Tour of the plant (45 minutes-1 hour)
12:15 Return to training center - Q&A
12:30 Bag lunches available during Q&A session
1:00 Conclude meeting, bus departs for Houston




Last Updated: 07/24/2008